Fix “The Google Analytics Terms of Service in your network settings must be accepted before this action can be performed.”

Ruurtjan Pul
Dec 7, 2022


By default, Google Ad Manager doesn’t let you link a GA4 property. It will tell you that:

The Google Analytics Terms of Service in your network settings must be accepted before this action can be performed.

The Google Analytics Terms of Service in your network settings must be accepted before this action can be performed.

To fix this, go to AdminGlobal settings → section Report settings and tick Google Analytics 4 property Reports in Ad Manager reporting.

Be sure to fill in a Display Name at the top of this page if you haven’t done so already. Without it, you’ll get an error while saving the settings.

The reporting settings in GAM

You’ll now be prompted to read and confirm the terms and conditions.

AdManager Google Analytics 4 property terms and conditions

Save the settings and go back to Admin -> Linked accounts to link the Google Analytics 4 account.

You can now link a GA4 property.



Ruurtjan Pul
Ruurtjan Pul

Written by Ruurtjan Pul

Founder of Monomatic, independent maker, husband, father, indoor climber.